Welcome! Children Gospel

Image courtesy of Virginia Smart.

How to make your kids understand and love the Bible.

The Little Children and Jesus

Bible Lesson Preparation and Presentation #2

Bible Lesson Preparation and Presentation: Session 1
I. The importance of the bible lesson
II. The importance of preparation
III. The teacher's general preparation
IV. The process of sound biblical interpretation
1). Step 1: Reading - What does the passage say?
2). Step 2: Comprehending - What does the passage mean?
3). Step 3: Applying - What does the passage say to me? To the child?
V. The types of bible lesson
VI. The classification of bible stories

Specific Preparation of the bible lesson: Session 2
Bible Story:
1. Concludes the action of the story
2. Should be brief because the attention of the children declines repidly after the climax

Specific preparation of the Bible lesson: Session 2
1.) Step 1: Reading - What does the passage say?
a. First reading - Make a list of the characters to understand clearly who each one is
b. Second reading - Make a list of the places where the events occur.
c. Third reading - Make notations about the time. Old or New Testament?
d. Fourth reading -  Make a list of essential story facts (progression of events).

Parts of the bible story
A. Introduction
B. Progression of Evens
C. Climax/Result
D. Conclusion
Introduction --> Progression of Events  --> Climax  -->Conclusion

Applying the Bible Lesson to the unsaved child: Session 3
2). Step 2: Comprehending - What dies the passage mean?
A. Ask yourself the following questions:
3). Step 3: Applying - What does the passage say to me? To the child?
 1. What sin, problem, or sickness is evident in the life of the main (needy) Character (s)
 2. What solution does God offer for the problem? the main character in the Bible story (This is where you will teach the child about sin.)
 3. Where can I teach God's love for the main (needy) character (s)? (This is where you will teach the child abou God an His lobe.)
4. What is the result? (Climax)
5. What is the conclusion?

B. A Bible story becomes a Bible lesson when biblical truth is applied throughout the narrative, relating it to the life and needs of the child with objective of producing change in accordance with the word of God. The application for the unsaved child includes teaching about:
-Who God is - His love
-The problem/need - Sin
-The solution/way - person and work of Christ
-The appropriation/invitation - To receive Christ

Applying Mark 5:21-24, 35-43 Presentation worksheet:
Are afraid something sick, dieing, ....Jesus has power to overcome such as those things. Had you heard a story about the ruler of the synagogue, Jairus story?
When Jesus comes out the boat to other seaside, there are so much people came to Him. and there comes one of the ruler of the synagogue, his name is Jairus, he fell at his feet.

Dark page (sin): Verse 23 Saying "My little daughter is dieing"  Romans 3:23. Problem/ need. The ruler of synagogue, Jairus's daughter is dieing. Because of sinned, bone sinful nature, punished for sin, separated from God.. Romans 3:23. -->Jairus find Jesus and bring his problem to Jesus for help, just like Jairus sinned, we all sinned too.

Gold page (love): Verse: 36 Be not afraid , only believe John 3:16a For is so loved the world -->Jesus loves him, said to him "don't be afraid, Just believe ,only believe. Jesus love you and can save you too.

Red page (salvation): solution verse 41: And taking the child by the hand, he said to her, wake up". 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 .God give us the right to be his child. Jesus is only one to save her -->Jesus say to her "..wake up" Jesus forgave the father and girl's sin, and take off the punishment. Just like Jesus take punishment for him, Jesus take off our sin too, you can have your sin forgiven, you can become Jesus children, you will not to die.

Conclusion: The girl wake up
Ending: 1. feed her good. 2. don't tell

Invitation (Clean page): John 1:12 he give the right to become children of God. Hebrews. If you receive Jesus as your savior, 13:5b:"never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you" The lord is your helper, Jesus will never leave you.

Close eyes in prayer. use the invitation lesson version