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Image courtesy of Virginia Smart.

How to make your kids understand and love the Bible.

Daniel chapter 2

CEF Level 2 class Presentation 2   
Sharon Huang
Date:May 2007

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream and Daniel Interprets the Dream (Daniel chapter 2)


Q: Have you ever been in a big trouble at school?  What things make children your age difficult? (Discuss this with the children. Let the children name some:  being in the darkness, gunshot at school, which let you felt very scared  OR, another times you may face difficult at school, someone made up story about you which made you very angry. )

MT: if you are child of God, ask Him for wisdom when you are in a difficult situation.

(Refer to Old Testament Daniel chapter 2

Link:  God knew everything happened at a times at Babylon.

Bible story fact:  It’s about 2500 years ago,  in Babylon, there is a King who did not know God; He wants to kill all of wise men in Babylon, including Daniel and his three friends.  (v. 2:14);

II  The bible says what was happened:

A.       The King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream, his mind was troubled and he could not sleep; so he called all of the wise men of Babylon came to before him, and tell them “ if you can interpret the dream, you will received honor and gift. if you do not tell me the dream and interpret it, I will have you to cut into pieces and your houses turned into piles of rubble;  But the king would not tell them what the content of the dream so those wise men could not interpreter the dream  (2:1-7)

B.       The king tell those wise man “ if you don’t tell me the dream, there is just one penalty for you…(2:9)

C.       The wise men answered the king, “What the king asks is too difficult. No one can reveal it to the king, except the gods.  And they do not live among men.”  (2:11)

D.       This made the king very angry and he want to execute all of the wise men of Babylon, including Daniel and three friends.   (2:12-13)

Bible Story Fact: Daniel and his friends were in difficulty situation, when the commander of king’s gourds, Arioch wants to put the death of all wise men.

Link:  It was a terrible of put the death.  It must be very scared for them. What would be happened next?

Application 1 (give problem) and MT: Boys and girls, many times you and  I are being in a difficult situation, especially when we have involved a big problems.  Can you think of some problems children like you have that make them difficult? (Discuss this with the children. Let the children name some:  being in the darkness, gunshot at school, which let you felt very scared  OR, another times you may face difficult at school, someone made up story about you which made you very angry. )

But Remember, if you are child of God, you can ask Him for wisdom.   God the Holy Spirit came to live in you, and guiding you the right way to do.

Do you remember our memory verse for today? (James 1:5 If any of you, lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all, without finding fault, and it will be given to him

Link:  Daniel saw Arioch, the commander of the king’s guard, had gone out to put the death the wise men of Babylon;  (v. 2:14). He went home to pray with his three friends. It’s must been very scared for them.


Link:  God listened to Daniel and his friends prayers. He knew them would need the wisdom to interpret the dream and He reviled the mystery to Daniel at night. Daniel gave thanks to God and returned to see Arioch

(Bible story Fact:  During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven.  (v. 2:19).)

E.        The Content of dream: Daniel tell Arioch to take him before the king, said to the king” there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries; he has shown king Nebuchadnezzar that will happen in days to come…” you looked before you, stood a large statue, dazzling statue, awesome in appearance.  The head of statue was made of pure gold, it’s chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, it’s legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and party of clay.  A rock was cut, but not by human hands, struck the statue into pieces and the wind wept them away. (2:28, 31-45)

F.        This was the dream, and know we will interpret (2:36)

G.       Interpret the dream:  as the gold of head like the king rule over every creature in the country and another king will rise, inferior to yours, like the silver. Next, a third kingdom, like the bronze, finally the 4th king rise, strong as iron, just as you saw the feet and toes partly of clay and partly of iron, this will be a divided kingdom like half of bronze and half of clay.  In the time of the kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed nor it be left to another people.  It will crush all of kingdoms and bring them to an end; but itself endure forever…(2:31-45)

H.       The great God has shown the king what will take place in the future. The dream is true and the interpretation is trustworthy.

(Bible Story Fact: Link: During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven.  (v. 2:19))

Link:  Yes. God hear Daniel and his friends’ prayer, and revealed the mystery at night after they prayed. And this saved their live.

Application 2  and MT:

Would you tell me what things make children your age difficult? (Discuss this with the children. Let the children name some:  being in the darkness, gunshot at school, which let you felt very scared  OR, another times you may face difficult at school, someone made up story about you which made you very angry. )  Remember, He can gave you wisdom whenever you are in difficult situation.  In fact, the God promises, the bible says, (read together loudly) “ If  any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. ( James 1:5.).  You don’t have to be worried because you can trust Him to answer your prayers.  And He has all the wisdom to give to you in any type of situation.  Remember, If you are child of God, ask him for wisdom.  You can talk to Him right away and tell Him what your problem is and ask Him for help.

 The Lord Jesus gives you wisdom, when you think about how powerful He is, to take care of you ,or when you realized God, is in control of everything.  He loves you and wants what is best for you.  That’s why you can trust Him.  Remember, Jesus has the power, to give you wisdom, when you are scared.  if you are child of God, you can ask Him for wisdom when you are in a difficult situation.

Link:       God Knew Daniel needed the special wisdom: He knows everything.

Message of salvation:  God knows you too. Do you believe in the true and living God? He is the all-powerful Creator of everything. He made the planets. Placed them in space and keeps then all in their proper orbits.  He made the earth and everything in it – including you!  He want you to know and love Him too.  But you were born wanting your own way instead. God calls that sin.  The Bible says, (“There is none righteous, no, not even one” Rom 3:10) There is no one who is like God, perfect in all he thinks, says and does.  That’s why you sometimes think bad things about other people, separated from Him forever in a place of punishment called Hell.    

But God loves you and has make the way to save you from this terrible punishment. As the story tell us, the king want to execute all wise men because them was unable to tell him his dream and its meaning.  The king and those wise men do not know there is ONLY one true God, powerful God who loves in heaven. They were separated from God because of sins.       

The Bible says, (“God commended his love toward us, while we were yet a sinner.  Christ died for us” Rom 5:8). He allowed wicked men to nail Him to a cross, where He suffered, bled and died for your sin.  The Bible says, “…without shedding of blood is no remission (forgiveness) Hebrews 9:22b). 

After dying and being buried, Jesus come alive again by God’s power. You can believe on the Lord Jesus (trust in Him) and be saved from sin’s punishment. Then you will be able to live forever in heaven with God some day in future. He is the only true and living God, and He wants you to believe in Him and talk to Him.

Link:  God is powerful god, He knows everything, Thus He can reveal to Daniel the mystery, So that Daniel can interpret the dream to the king.

( Story Fact:           During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision…  (v. 2:19))

III .          Climax; God had given Daniel wisdom to fulfill the king’s demand! King Nebuchadnezzar fell with his face to the ground.  He knew this was a message from God.  “Now I know that your God is God of gods and the Lord of Kings and a revealer of mysteries, for you were able to reveal this mystery.    (2:27)

IV. Ending

A.      Conclusion: After that, the king rewarded Daniel and his friends to place them in high positions of importance in Babylon, and gave them many gifts.

Link: God had been faithful to give Daniel wisdom to honor Him by revealed the mystery and interpreted the dream.

B.       Invitation:

How about you? Do you believe that the Lord Jesus is God, the Son, who died on the cross and gave His blood as the payment for your sin so that you could have everlasting life? If you have not believed in the Lord Jesus, you do not yet have everlasting life.  But you can! God’s word says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life “(John 6:47) have everlasting life means to have God’s forever life.  The Lord Jesus will come to live in you.  His life makes you ready to live with Him in Heaven someday and gives you strength to live in a way that pleases Him each day on earth.  To have God’s gift of everlasting life, you must believe that the Lord Jesus, God’s Son, died on the cross for you so your sins could be forgiven.  Are you willing to tell him that you have sinned, that you believe He died on the cross for you and that you want to receive His gift of everlasting life today? No one else can make this decision for you.  Remember, the Bible says,  "...he that believeth on me hath everlasting life” (John 6:47).

Know, we pray,

Please bow your heads and close your eyes. Let’s pray:” Dear God, thank you for made me, love me so much that you sent your only son died on cross for my sins and want to give me the gift of everlasting life. Amen!  If today you are willing to tell the Lord Jesus you are a sinner and you are believing in Him for God’s gift of everlasting life, will you show me by opening your eyes and looking up at me?  (Pause)  Those who are looking up at me, please come and stand by me.  After we pray, we’ll go to the next room, and I’ll show you from God’s word how you can know that your sins are forgiven and that you have everlasting life.

Link: if you already have received God’s gift of everlasting life.  You know you are a child of God, ask him for wisdom.

Remember, the verses James 1:5  If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him  


Lesson:  Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream (Daniel 2:1-48)

MT : If you are child of God, ask Him for wisdom.

Bible story Fact: Our God is almighty God who can take care of Daniel’s problem by reveal him the dream and saved them from in danger situation.

Link:       Daniel and his friends realize that God is all about wisdom and could give them wisdom when they were in danger situation.

Challenge:  as you know God is powerful, He made you and He knew you, remember, If you are child of God, ask Him for wisdom. He is with you all the time and will never leave you.  So whatever the situation, He is right there to hear your prayers and to help you.  Probably this week something will make you afraid.  Maybe it will be when someone begins to put trouble on you. (being in the dark, terror, gun-shoot, big dogs, parent fighting, being lost, storms, etc.).  when that happens, what can you do?  

Carryover activity:               At that moment you can remember our memory verse, (repeat it with children) James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. ) When you are in difficult situation, you can say James 1:5 out loud to yourself and think about what it means.  God promises to give you wise-wisdom – if you will think about Him and trust Him.

 Will you remember God is creator that he knows everything– even the problem that causes you in danger? Will you talk to Him about it and ask Him for help?  Will you trust In Lord to give you His wisdom this week? Next week when you came to class, we’ll take a few minutes to share about how you trusted Jesus to give you wisdom when you were at difficult situation.