Welcome! Children Gospel

Image courtesy of Virginia Smart.

How to make your kids understand and love the Bible.

The Little Children and Juses

Level 1 class homework #1. Message of salvation - Wordless Book( Presentation#1 07/09/05): Here is a little book without words, but the colors has meaning of each part of the beautiful story from bible.

Gold: Who is God?
1 .Creator: he made everything out of nothing: light, sky, Ocean, land, mountain and trees, 2 great lights, the sun shine in the sky, the moon and stars bright at night, fishes and birds, animals and you (kid name) and me.
2. Love-For God is so love you (the world). John 3:16(Gold)
3. Heaven: Where he live, the highest place when made of gold
4. Holy- highest pure 

Link: Sinful, can not go to the heaven
Dark: Problem/Need
1. Definition - sin is anything that does not please God ( think, do, say)
2. Example of sin – lie, steal, get up late, fight with brother and sisters
3. Born in sinful nature – we were born with a “want to” to do wrong things . Romans 3:23(Dark) For all have sinned and fail short of the glory of God
Separated fro God – bible says must be punishment. For the wages of sin is death. Roman 6:23(no ribbon) for the wages of sin is death. 

Link: Wonderful plan
Red: Solution/Way as God has salvation plan for His children
1. Perfect son of God willingly
2. Took your punishment on cross
3.Gave His blood. Hebrews 9:22 (Purple) And without the shedding blood is no remission.
4. Died and rose again. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 (Red) Gesture: According to the scriptures, Jesus died on cross. He was buried, and rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
5. Now Jesus lives in Heaven

Link: If you receive son of God is die for your sin, your sin will be forgiven; and he give you the right to become children of God John 1:12 (clean).
Clean: Appropriation
1. Invitation – If you receive son of God is die for your sin, your sin will be forgiven; and he give you the right to become children of God John 1:12 (clean).
2. Assurance of salvation – 
*Review Gold. Dark. Red. Clean. Hebrews 13:5b(no ribbon): “Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you” 10 Figure: Hebrews 13:5b The Lord is your (kid name) helper, Jesus will never leave (forsake) you (kid name). 
*Do you know what Jesus do for you? Die for my sin
*Do you now why Jesus die for you? Love me
*Why should I believe in God? 
Forgive my sin, take my punishment. So you can have the relationship with God too. 
*Promise: Because He has promised you that He will never leave you and never forsake you. Do you want to receive Jesus as your Savior today? He/She can have response? Do you want to make a decided pray? If Yes.
Prayer: Dear God, I want to know you personally. I am willing, with your help, to turn from my sins. Thank you for sending Jesus died and rose again to be my Savior. Come in to me life and lead me.” Amen. (More than one child version: skip decided pray, say
Close your eyes and bow your head, and hold your hands
Prayer: Thank you Lord for love us, give us Jesus died and rose again to be our savior. Amen. If you want to receive Jesus as your Savior and you have never done that before, show me by raising your hand, or come and stand beside me."

Link: When you become god’s child, the very important is to know him and build up relationship with God. 
Green: There are two things you will would fellow:
1.Confession of sin (pray - talk with heavenly Father) - if I sin after I receive Jesus as my savior. What must I do? Tell God what sin I do. say to God: Dear God, I am sorry that I have some problems, please forgive my sin and help me."  He promise to forgive our sins. John 1:19 (Green) we confess our sins, he is faithful an just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
2. Growing in Christ (GROW): gesture: Read and obey Bible, To be witness, Go to church and Sunday school

Link: Give literature (booklet) to have name and date on it and go to tell your teacher/parents and friends.
Thank you prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for give Sharon the right to be your child, please bless her and help her to fellow what the bible says, and obey her parents; and to be your witness. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.