AT&T Park / San Francisco Giants
Ticket Prices, Weekend/Weekday (2006)
Premium Field Club, $80/$75; Field Club, $73/$68; Club Infield, $67/$62; Club Outfield, $54/$51; Club Left Field, $45/$40; Premium Lower Box, $47/$40; Lower Box, $39/$34; View Box, $29/$27; View Reserved, $25/$20; Arcade, $33/$28; Left-Field Bleachers, $25/$18; Bleacher Center Field, $18/$13; Standing room, $12/$10; Jr./Sr. Bleachers, $7/$6.
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Adjacent lots are convenient and expensive.Two adjacent parking lots provide about 5,000 parking spots, and they are best accessed from Highways 101 and 280. The cheapest lot is $25. Other methods of getting to the game include trolley car, Metro trains, CalTrain, buses, and ferries. The Giants claim that no other park in major-league baseball is better served by public transportation. The China Basin Ferry Terminal alights in dead center field and provides what looks like a very scenic approach to the game. |