AWANA - Cubbies Class

Class session schedule  Job Description for LITs Responsibility

Five stars stand five group of Cubbies: Jack lead red star as group one; Tiffany lead Green star as group two; Shinnie lead Silver star as group three; Debbie lead blue star as group four; and Lisa lead gold star as group five.

A. LIT Group: two group take term to lead the pledge, puppet, cubbies songs , and game each Friday: 1. Jack (red star) , & 2.Tiffany (Green star); 3.Shinnie (silver star) & 4.Debbie (Blue star); 5.Lisa (gold star) & 1. Jack (red star); 2. Tiffany (green star) & 3. Shinnies (silver star); 4. Debbie &  5. Lisa ...

B. All LITs must share partial of other jobs in the beneath description: 

Check today's lesson #: LIT responsibility:
(7:15) Preparing for the night:  All LITs
Set up tables and place clubbers' name cards on tables - All LITs
Bring the binders case in room A4 - All LITs
Craft and instruments: All LITs
Pledge and cubbies' song: 
1. Jack (red star) , & 2.Tiffany (Green star); 3.Shinnie (silver star) & 4.Debbie (Blue star); 5.Lisa (gold star) & 1. Jack (red star); 2. Tiffany (green star) & 3. Shinnies (silver star); 4. Debbie &  5. Lisa ...
Game Leader:
1. Jack (red star) , & 2.Tiffany (Green star); 3.Shinnie (silver star) & 4.Debbie (Blue star); 5.Lisa (gold star) & 1. Jack (red star); 2. Tiffany (green star) & 3. Shinnies (silver star); 4. Debbie &  5. Lisa ...
Snack/ Drink water: All LITs
Check your binder (stickers, stationery, Achievement Record Card, attendance sheet...) &
Fill water pitcher: All LITs

(7:30) Welcome clubbers, check club & Sunday school attendance: LIT Group:1. Jack, & 2.Tiffany; 3.Shinnie & 4.Debbie; 5.Lisa & 1. Jack; 2. Tiffany & 3. Shinnies; 4. Debbie &  5. Lisa ...
(put attendance sticker on their right hand & remind them their group & group color - blue, red, green, gold, silver)
Lead them to assigned seat & help them do coming-in activities
Give blank sheet to those who finish fast or don't want to do it
-Check in - Sharon/Helen: Greeting, Stamps on the right hand, sticker on attendance chart
- Direct cubbies to their seats:  LIT Group:1. Jack, & 2.Tiffany; 3.Shinnie & 4.Debbie; 5.Lisa & 1. Jack; 2. Tiffany & 3. Shinnies; 4. Debbie &  5. Lisa ...
-Activities: Helen/Sharon/LITs

(7:45 - 8:19)
1.  Pledge & Cubbies songs (4 minutes): Each  LIT Group:1. Jack, & 2.Tiffany; 3.Shinnie & 4.Debbie; 5.Lisa & 1. Jack; 2. Tiffany & 3. Shinnies; 4. Debbie &  5. Lisa ...
Arrange their place by group, encourage their participation - following the color of stars for group. LIT hold the color of star to quid your clubbers in tune

2. Puppet show (5 minutes) - Each  LIT Group:1. Jack, & 2.Tiffany; 3.Shinnie & 4.Debbie; 5.Lisa & 1. Jack; 2. Tiffany & 3. Shinnies; 4. Debbie &  5. Lisa ...

3. Bible song (8 minutes)  - teachers lead all to sing 

4. Celebration time: teacher (2 minuets)
     What is Cabbies Motto? -Jesus loves me.
     What does "A" stand for? - All have sinned (Romans 3:23)
     What does "C" stand for? -Christ.  ...while we were...sinners, Christ died for us  (Romans 5:8)

5. Story time:  teacher (13 minutes)

6. Practice: Point up - God is great and might (2 minutes)
    Hold hand - the bible tells me so
    Pont to heaven - He loves me with a special love
    Clap hands and step in place - I'll praise Him and I go.

(8:15-8:20) Restroom time: As needed

 (8:20-45) Book time - Bear buddy level: two - All LIT s
teacher will explain the meaning of the verse
(Use the 3-hop methods: repeat-recite-reinforce, recite with clubbers)
Sign (only with parents' signature) their books & give clubbers sticker (lamb or elephant)
If a clubber qualify to receive patch, put their name down on white board and use paper clip to mark the page
Record their attendance & scripture memorization progress on binder
(put necessary date on their Achievement Record Card)
give activities sheet to clubbers finish first

(8:45) Snack time - All LITs group

(9:10) Play  (Game) time - All.  To move the tables and chair aside
Game Leaders: :1. Jack, & 2.Tiffany; 3.Shinnie & 4.Debbie; 5.Lisa & 1. Jack; 2. Tiffany & 3. Shinnies; 4. Debbie &  5. Lisa ...
After Game, all groups move the table and chair back to the original place, lead clubbers to clear up and make sure their bags at place

(9:25) Going home time - 
- Award time - give patches.... - teacher
- Sharon/Helen: Assist parents to sign out cubbies
- All LITs groups Help cubbies ready for home (bags, jacks, toys…); put the name cards, table and chair back in place. 

The 5 count - use the 5-count throughout the club night to control group attention (calling all Cubbies Bear Buddies! .....)
Gospel wheel

Bear buddy level one: listen and raise hand and sitting still
Bear buddy level two: quiet talk
Bear buddy level three: physically active play

*Take clubbers to restroom during segment interval if needed
( 1 LIT take 2 clubbers & follow child protection guideline)

It you can not come, please call Teresa at 961-9102 or Angela at 996-2208-ext. 30.

Please wear uniform every club time.