Game Ideas
- Pass the Promise - Play like "Hot Potato". Pass a
bean bag or box, when the music stops the children receive a
sticker or treasure. Play until all have had a turn to receive
the rewards.
- Follow cubbies-Play like "Follow the Leader", except
the children get to hold the Cubbies Puppet. Play till all of
the children have had a chance with Cubbies.
- Fish Races-Cut fish shapes out of newspaper, cut cardboard
into approximately 8x10 sizes. Lay the fish on the floor and
wave the cardboard and watch the fish wiggle across the floor.
- Cubbies Says-Played like "Simon Says" have a leader
hold the Cubbies puppet and have the children follow what he
- Musical Chairs-Play like normal, except have a winner's circle
where there are enough chairs for every one. Children move from
one circle to the other, you can make a big deal of the moving
over that way there is no losing.
- Pin the Bow on Luv E. - Played just like "Pin the tail on
the donkey", if a child stresses about the blindfold don't worry
about it.
Cool Down activities
- Finger plays work well as a cool down activity.
- Memory Games-sit in a circle and recite this weeks verse, last
weeks verse and the upcoming verse.
Finger Play Ideas
Run and hide:
Cubbies: Where is my ___ 2x
[Ernie(elephant)/ Zippy(Zebra)/Gigi(graphic)/
Leo(lion)/ Luv.E(lamp)]
Ernie: Here I am 2x
A: How are you today (doing sir)?
Ernie: Very well, thank you
All: Run and hide 2x
Little Monkey:
Five little Monkey jumping on the bed
One falling down and bump it’s head
Mama called the doctor and doctor said “No more monkeys
jumping on the bed”.
Until last one monkey
Five little ducks:
Five little ducks went out one day,
Over the hills and far away
Mother Duck said,
“Quack, quack, quack, quack.”
But only four little ducks came back.
Four vs. three
Three vs. two
Two vs. one
One vs. none of the five
Sad Mother Duck went out one day,
Over the hills and far away.
Mother Duck said, “Quack, quack, quack, quack.”
And all of the five little ducks came back.