AWANA Coworkers - Cubbies Class
LIT & Teacher responsibilityClass Calendar | Discipline Tips | LIT Job Description | LIT Role | Gospel Wheel | Pledge | Bible Verses |

Role Description Leader in Training (LIT)

A leader-in-Training (LIT) is a high-school student who serves beside an adult Awana leader. An Awana club that in lists the service of LITs is not only meeting staffing needs but developing through discipleship, tomorrow's church leaders.  The biblical example for this can be found in Titus 2:27b: In everything set them an example by doing what is good... (NIV).  The operative words here are set them an example. Young men and women best learn and assimilate servant leadership by having it consistently modeled for them.

Role and Responsibilities 

The principle role of an LIT is to assist the adult leader in all aspects of club; learning and developing evangelistic and church life skills.  Specific responsibilities are shared with adult leaders.  Awana strongly urges that LITs never be left alone with children.  A wonderful place for an LIT to begin serving is in Cubbies or Sparks.

Expectations of a LIT

  • A LIT must understand and complete Basic Training - leader role
  • A LIT must be an example to the children both in attitude and action.
  • A LIT must be very careful in how they respond to the children, avoiding physical horseplay, never speak or act out in anger and never violate a child's privacy.
  • A LIT must be faithful to attend all planing sessions and club nights.


A LIT needs to be qualified in the following ways:

  •  Have trusted in Jesus Christ as his or her personal Savior.
  • Be growing in his or her relationship with Christ.
  • Be walking with the Lord.
  • Be in compliance with the requirements of leadership in his or her church.
  • Demonstrate an attitude that is attractive to kids.
  • Active in Awana 24-7 youth program, if applicable.

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