AWANA Coworkers - Cubbies Class
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Cubbies Play Time

  • Reinforces the lesson

  • Non-competitive = groups not teams

  • Develops large muscles

  • Teach cooperation

  • Are fun & exciting

Game Ideas

  • Pass the Promise - Play like "Hot Potato". Pass a bean bag or box, when the music stops the children receive a sticker or treasure. Play until all have had a turn to receive the rewards.
  • Follow cubbies-Play like "Follow the Leader", except the children get to hold the Cubbies Puppet. Play till all of the children have had a chance with Cubbies.
  • Fish Races-Cut fish shapes out of newspaper, cut cardboard into approximately 8x10 sizes. Lay the fish on the floor and wave the cardboard and watch the fish wiggle across the floor.
  • Cubbies Says-Played like "Simon Says" have a leader hold the Cubbies puppet and have the children follow what he says.
  • Musical Chairs-Play like normal, except have a winner's circle where there are enough chairs for every one. Children move from one circle to the other, you can make a big deal of the moving over that way there is no losing.
  • Pin the Bow on Luv E. - Played just like "Pin the tail on the donkey", if a child stresses about the blindfold don't worry about it.

Cool Down activities

  • Finger plays work well as a cool down activity.
  • Memory Games-sit in a circle and recite this weeks verse, last weeks verse and the upcoming verse.

Cubbies Songs 3X | Cubbies Songs 4x | Email me | Online Bible | Our Team | Game Ideas |