Morning Has Broken
Morning has broken like the first morning Blackbird has spoken like the first bird Praise for the singing praise for the morning Praise for the springing fresh from the word Sweet the rain's new fall sunlit from heaven Like the first dewfall on the first grass Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden Sprung in completeness where his feet pass Mine is the sunlight mine is the morning Born of the one light Eden saw play Praise with elation praise every morning God's recreation of the new day 破曉的晨曦 充滿了希望 小鳥兒清歌 一曲高唱 每日要歡欣 每日要頌揚 每日的豐富 主恩無量 新雨淋大地 彩虹飛天上 青草兒得着 滋養生長 每日要歡欣 每日要頌揚 天父的大愛 有熱有光 我擁有晨曦 我擁有朝陽 運行在伊甸 太初之光 每日要歡欣 每日要頌揚 生命與能力 越久越長 |