篴模耴程蔼 Gloria in Excelsis Deo
篴模耴程蔼 篴模耴程蔼 Gloria in excelsis, Gloria in excelsis, 篴模耴程蔼 Gloria in excelsis, Gloria in excelsis. 篴模 篴模耴程蔼 Gloria in excelsis, Gloria in excelsis Deo, Gloria! 篴模耴程蔼 篴模 Gloria in excelsis Deo, Gloria! Gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria in excelsis Deo! |
Lowly shepherds in the night, they behold a wondrous sight, ぱㄏぱ瓁簈佰 joyous choir all in flight. Hear the songs of praise, Hear the songs of praise. 碙禥篴模毕 God is glorious in His ways; He has come to us this day. ぱㄏ弧ぃ璶倪┤ ¨Do not fear,〃the angel said, 毕膀服さネ ¨Do not fear,〃the angel said, ¨Go and seek a manger bed in a lowly cattle shed.〃 苂羘臫筂 苂羘臫筂 Hear the songs of praise, Hear the songs of praise, 碙禥篴模毕 God is glorious in His ways; He has come to us this day. 篴模耴程蔼 Gloria in excelsis, Gloria in excelsis, |
篴模 篴模耴程蔼 篴模 Gloria, Gloria in excelsis Deo, Gloria! 篴模耴程蔼 篴模耴程蔼 Gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria in excelsis Deo! 玡┕碝т縒ネ On to Bethlehem they run in their quest to see Godˇs Son, ぃㄆ祇ネ little knowing whatˇs begun. |