Holy is He and great is His glory.
Holy is He and worthy of our praise.
I stand in His presence amazed,
and crown Him with worship and praise!
Holy is He, Holy is He, Holy is He.
Who pardons my iniquities,
who heals me from within?
Who lifts my fallen lift and
sets me on my feet again?
Who leads me like a shepherd
when I’ve gone astray?
My Lord, My God, My Jesus,
The One I praise today!
Holy is He and great is His glory
Holy is He and worthy of our praise.
I stand in His presence amazed,
and crown Him with worship and praise!
Holy is He, Holy is He, Holy is He.
Who hears me in my loneliness,
who finds me shere I hide?
Who knows outside my broken heart,
til I let Him inside?
Whose lift deserves the honor
laid before His throne?
My Lord, My God, My Jesus,
My Savior and my own!
Holy is He and great is His glory
Holy is He and worthy of our praise.
I stand in His presence amazed,
and crown Him with worship and praise!
Holy is He, Holy is He, Holy is He.
清晨歡悅歌詠 高聲頌主聖恩
Holy, holy, holy Lord! God Almighty.
Early in the morning our song
shall rise to Thee;
榮耀與讚美 歸三一真神!
Holy, holy, holy Lord! Merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, bless Trinity!
Holy is He, A-men!